I truly believe breakfast is the most essential meal of the day, which is why I go to a lot of effort in planning and preparing food that will carry hubby and I through to lunchtime.
Many days my husband is so busy at work that he won't get time for a lunch break until 2 or 3pm so having a nourishing and sustaining meal at 7am is essential.
This week I played around with an old recipe we enjoyed back when the kids were little, but this time I eliminated wheat, sugar and dairy, replacing them with home pressed apple juice and healthy wholegrain oats.
2 cups wholegrain oats
1 1/2 cups sultanas or raisins
3/4 cup coconut
3 grated apples (skin included)
2 1/2 cups apple juice
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 egg
grated rind of one lemon
1/4 cup coconut oil
Place the oats in a food processor and pulse for 10 seconds to break them down a little.
In a large bowl add the oats, apple juice, sultanas, grated apple, lemon rind and coconut.
Mix well, cover with clingwrap and let soak for about 6 hours.
(I do this in the morning and bake it later in the afternoon)
After the soaking time mix the coconut oil, cinnamon and the egg into the mixture.
Pour into a lined slice tray and bake for 40 minutes at 180C (375F)
Let cool and cut into slices.
Serve with fresh fruit and a smoothie for a very satisfying and delicious brekky!
IDEA: this is also yummy served warm with custard and berries for a dessert...actually, I'd even have it this way for breakfast in winter. ;-)
If you'd like to download and print the recipe to add to your personal recipe file it's right HERE.